What is SWAMP ASS? ~Another Baseball Mom Problem~

Hi, fellow moms. How are you? We just finished up the last tournament of the summer baseball season last weekend under scorching 100 degree heat. As you can imagine, it was HOT.

After 3 long days of games, our son's team finished the tournament in second place. Well, I have to say, they did well. I think the boys gave as much as they had. It was a good ending for the summer season.

While we were going home happily, my son suddenly said "My butt hurts." WHAT??? "I think I have a rash on my butt". Uuuuuug! "You've got swamp ass!" my husband said laughing. What the heck is swamp ass?

According to my former baseball player husband aka swamp ass expert, swamp ass is indeed a rash on our skin. It usually happens on the baseball player's butt skin because it can't breathe under the underwear, the jock aka the cup holding underwear, and baseball pants. It happens more often in the humid summer heat. Has your son gotten the rash too? I'm sure he's had one, especially if you live in a warmer area of the US.

The Swamp Ass expert explains that it's not hard to get rid of. All they have to do is to clean the area in the shower and put Desitin. Yes, you are right, the Desitin is the diaper rash paste for babies. It's the same kind of rash and Desitin works. And my husband was right. My son's rash was gone the next morning.


Desitin, a cream to treat baby diaper rash

Well, swamp ass. Who came up with it? It just makes me laugh because I can see players talking about rash in the dugout among many other things. This is how the baseball culture in the US continues generation after generation. I wonder if there are other ways to call the rash. Please share if your husband or son calls it differently. I'd love to know.

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Thank you so much for reading. See you next time. Happy Baseball!

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